Dear Members
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Ampthill Town Cricket Club will be held on
SUNDAY 3rd December 2023 at the Pavilion, commencing at 8.00 pm.
Your attention is drawn to Rule 8 of the Club's Constitution in which it states that the following persons
are entitled to vote: paid up playing members over the age of 16, parents of playing members under the
age of 16, non playing officers, non playing committee members, Vice-Presidents, Life Vice-Presidents
and the President.
The Agenda for the meeting will be as follows: -
1. Read notice convening the AGM
2. Apologies for absence
3. Approve the minutes of previous AGM
4. Matters Arising
5. Alterations to Rules & Constitution. (Proposals to be notified to the Secretary 10 days prior to meeting)
6. Reports from Officers: -
a. Treasurer including adoption of Accounts
b. Secretary
c. Chairman
7. Election of Officers & Captains for 2024. (Nominations to Secretary by 26/11/23)
a. President b. Life Vice-Presidents
c. Vice Presidents d. Chairman
e. Vice Chairmen (2 max.) f. Secretary
g. Fixture Secretary h. Treasurer & Auditor
i. Membership Secretary
j. Club & 1st XI Captain (Sat)
k. Saturday 2
nd XI Captain
l. Saturday 3rd X1 Captain
m. Saturday 4
th XI Captain
n. Sunday 1
st X1 Captain
o. Sunday 2
nd XI Captain
p. Sunday 3rd X1 Captain
q. Women’s X1 Captain
r. Cricket Chair
s. Operations Chair
t. Facilities Chair
u. Head of Youth
v. Committee of no more than 3 members
I________________________________ hereby nominate_______________________________
for the position of______________________________
SIGNED______________________ (Nominator) _____________________ (Nominatee)
SIGNED____________________ (Seconder) to be returned to the Secretary by 26/11/23 latest
Ampthill Town Cricket Club
Woburn Road | Ampthill | Bedfordshire| MK45 2GU
Phone: 01525 840491
Websites & Social Media:
With Thanks to our Sponsors:
RD Designs | The White Hart Ampthill | Verandah | J&M Contractors